Frequently Asked Questions

Some seniors are reluctant to exercise because of the mistaken belief that exercise is bad for older people – especially those with various diseases and disabilities – because it puts too much of a strain on your body.

As you age, the body does take a little longer to repair itself, but moderate physical activity is good for people of all ages and of all ability levels. The benefits of exercising regularly far outweigh the risks. Your body was meant for movement and needs to be used to function best.

Of course, there are some people whose physical abilities are limited by medical conditions or frailty. If you are one of these people, you may have to go about exercise more carefully than others, but don’t dismiss it.

If you have physical limitations, consult your doctor before starting your exercise program. With proper instruction and guidance, you can learn activities and exercises to improve mobility and reduce frailty. If you are frail, it is particularly important to be careful, but to find a way to move your body because regular exercise greatly reduces the risk of falling and broken bones.

Try exercise in a class setting with proper supervision, and definitely consider swimming or another form or water exercise as it can be less jarring to the body.

Just as a proper diet and engaging activities can help you live a more fulfilling life, physical activity will yield a multitude of physical, mental and psychological benefits. Some of the benefits that result from regular exercise:

Feel and look better

  • Self Confidence – Being active and feeling strong will naturally help you feel more self confident and sure of yourself. This improved sense of well-being will help your overall mood and attitude about life.
  • Contentment – Natural endorphins produced by exercise help you feel better and help to alleviate sadness or depression.
  • Social Interaction – If you choose, exercise can be a great way to meet people and socialize. Joining a class or walking with friends should make the exercise more enjoyable and it can also help you stay connected with others.
  • Sleep Better – People who exercise regularly tend to sleep better than those who don’t. They usually fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply and awake less often during the night. Some fitness experts believe that a very short period of moderate activity in the evening, for example a 10-minute walk after dinner, will help you sleep more deeply at night. It is important to note that if you regularly experience problems sleeping, the general recommendation is to exercise early in the day rather than in the evening. Evening exercise is energizing and could actually keep you awake. Exercise earlier in the day is the answer.
  • Mental Acuity (Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention) – New research shows that regular exercise can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Exercise helps encourage regular brain functions and can help keep the brain active. Exercise can also provide numerous benefits for patients of Alzheimer’s, including reduced risk of depression and improving memory and circulation.

Maintain or lose weight

  • Metabolism – Increase your metabolism; as you increase muscle mass you will burn more calories because muscle burns more calories than fat.
  • Body Composition – Body composition refers to the makeup of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue, and organs) and fat mass. An optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness. The right combination of exercise and healthy eating will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass.
  • Balance and Flexibility – Balance and flexibility will improve when you exercise on a regular basis. Improved strength, flexibility and posture will help with balance and reduce your risk of falling. Greater flexibility should also reduce the pain of arthritis.
  • Mobility – If you do a variety of exercise, you will naturally increase your coordination. You should be better able to navigate your regular chores and activities.
  • Muscular Strength and Endurance – Exercise will improve your ability to use your muscles over a brief period of time as well as sustain your strength for repeated use or over a longer period. Greater muscle strength helps improve your ability to balance and increases your ability to perform everyday tasks without straining your muscles. On average, men and women over the age of 40,lose one-quarter to one-third of a pound of muscle each year, which is replaced by fat. This gradual loss results in a one to two percent loss of strength each year, causing movement to become more difficult and contributing to a reduction in activity and exercise.Strength training, which can be achieved in a variety of ways, is particularly important for counteracting this damaging loss of muscle. Research at Tufts University has shown that strength training is one of the most important ways to slow down the process of aging and protect all of the body’s functions. The research has also indicated that strength training can dramatically improve arthritis pain and stiffness as well as decrease depression.

Reduce risk of disease, sickness and injury (by strengthening muscles and bones)

  • Immune Function – A healthy, strong body fights off infection and sickness more easily and more quickly. Rather than sapping your energy reserves entirely, recovery from illness should be less strenuous.
  • Cardio-Respiratory and Cardiovascular Function – Regular physical activity lowers your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. If you have hypertension, exercise will lower your blood pressure.
  • Bone Density/Osteoporosis – Exercise protects against loss in bone mass. Better bone density will reduce the risk of osteoporosis and lowers risk of falling and broken bones. Post-menopausal women can lose as much as 2 percent bone mass each year and men also lose bone mass as they age. Research done at Tufts University shows that strength training can dramatically reduce the loss of bone mass, help restore bones, and contribute to better balance and less fractures.
  • Gastrointestinal Function – Regular exercise promotes the efficient elimination of waste and encourages your digestive health.
  • Chronic Conditions and Cancer – Regular physical activity lowers risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis and colon cancer, to name just a few. It also helps in the management of high cholesterol and arthritis pain.

Good physical fitness improves the way the body works, and enables the body to rebound much more quickly from sickness or injury. These physical benefits along with the natural endorphins produced by exercise may also naturally lead to an improved mood and help decrease depression. Physical fitness and a physically active lifestyle may be one of the most important contributions to healthy aging. So start now!

Often the hardest part of a new endeavor is getting started. You can do it. At first, pace yourself and move slowly. Work on making exercise a regular part of your day, regardless of time and intensity. As it becomes a habit, it will become easier to build on your routine.Remember to create a schedule that includes a variety of activity and a mix of both traditional and non-traditional exercise.

Exercise doesn’t have to be grueling or boring – gardening, walking your dog, and dancing are all good ways to get in your daily exercise. You could also combine exercise with social activity – you could walk with friends, for example, or join a hiking club, or a swimming class. Or, investigate the sports listed below and try to find one that you enjoy. If you are having fun, it will be better for you overall (physically, mentally and emotionally), and it will be much easier to maintain.

Important: Get Clearance First!

Before you begin, have a check-up and talk with your doctor or healthcare practitioner about any special conditions you might have.

Cardio/Endurance Exercises

You should try to do 30 minutes of cardio respiratory endurance exercise each day. This means getting your heart rate up and breathing faster. Walking, cycling and swimming are all examples of cardio/endurance exercises. It is ok to do three 10-minute periods of exercise if you prefer, especially when you are just starting to exercise. At the beginning, try to get your heart rate to increase 50% over your normal resting heart rate. Gradually work up to 85% increase over your normal resting heart rate.To find your normal resting heart rate, place your fingers on a pulse point (your wrist, neck or temple usually work well) and count the beats for ten seconds. Then multiply that number by 6 for your normal resting heart rate per minute. When you are exercising, take your heart rate the same way and compare it to your resting heart rate. If you have trouble finding your heart rate, have someone help you the first few times until you get the hang of it.Cardio-respiratory endurance exercise increases your body’s ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to remove waste over sustained periods of time. After exercising consistently for a few weeks, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your ability to exercise and in your ability to perform everyday tasks without getting winded and out of breath.

Strength/Resistance Training

Strength training uses and strengthens your muscles with repetitive motion exercises. Strength training can be done with weights, resistance bands, nautilus machines or by using walls, the floor and furniture for resistance. There are several different types of exercise you can do:

Two to three strength/resistance training workouts a week will provide you the greatest benefits. The workouts should last 30-60 minutes each with at least one day of recovery in between workouts. You should try to exercise all muscle groups by doing 1-2 sets of 10-15 repetitions at moderate intensity (usually 70% of maximum ability, less if you are just starting). Progressively increase weight in your workouts.

Strength training helps prevent loss of bone mass and improves balance. Both of these things will help you avoid falls and broken bones. Miriam Nelson, a Tufts University scientist and specialist on aging has done a lot of research on strength training, especially for women, and has found it to be a crucial element in staying healthy and reducing the frailty that often comes with aging.

Stretching/Flexibility Exercises

Stretching is vital to exercise. You should always warm up and cool down when you exercise and both should include some stretching. Stretching helps your muscles warm up gradually and cool down gradually. Stretching improves and maintains flexibility, prevents injury, and reduces muscle soreness and stiffness. You may also find that you like stretching because it can be a time of meditation and a time to appreciate how your body feels.

Activities like yoga or Pilates can provide a good form of stretching as well as strength training because they focus on isolating and developing different muscle groups. Yoga and Pilates focus on developing a strong ‘core,’ a term which refers to the set of muscles connecting the inner stomach to the lower back and spine (pull your belly button back toward your spine to get an idea of the muscles in your core). Because the core muscles provide the foundation for all movement and strength, having a strong core can help with all movement, encourage better posture and reduce all over muscle pain.

If something hurts, stop doing it!

If you have a persistent pain when you exercise, take a break. If you are sick, you should go easy or skip a few days. When you resume, start slowly again. Know that there are some warning signs that mean you should stop what you are doing and consult a doctor:

  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Breathing trouble or excessive shortness of breath
  • Persistent or sharp muscle or joint pain.
  • Nausea
  • Unusual balance difficulty
  • Severe illness

Make the most of your exercise by following these simple helpful tips:

  • Start Slowly – Go slow and be consistent.
  • Be Comfortable – Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing, supportive shoes and layers so that you can adjust as your body temperature rises.
  • Breathe – Remember to breathe consistently throughout your exercise.
  • Hydrate – Drink plenty of water before, during and after your activity.
  • Warm Up & Cool Down – Always ease your body into and out of exercise. Walk slowly or stretch for at least 5 minutes.
  • Build Up – Gradually increase the time and intensity of your activity. It will become easier as you exercise consistently.
  • Mix It Up – Vary the type of activity you do. Try a new sport or take a tai chi or yoga class for variation. Doing new things will help you remain interested.
  • Make It Fun – Get active with friends, listen to music or take up an active hobby to keep it fun and interesting.
  • Be Consistent – If you can do a little bit every day, it will eventually become part of your routine and you will automatically include it. If you only do a lot occasionally, it will be difficult to keep it up and you won’t realize any of the benefits.
  • Keep an Activity Log – Write down what types of activity you do everyday. As the days go on, it will be easier to keep up the pace when you look at all of the progress you are making.